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New feature: Automatic Transfers


Auto Transfer

IgoriaCard introduces a new feature – Automatic Transfers, aimed at facilitating financial management for users utilizing multiple cards and auxiliary accounts. This innovative function has been designed to ensure the availability of a specified, minimum balance on the card account, thereby increasing financial management efficiency.

One of the main users of this feature is a transportation and logistics company that manages a fleet of over 150 cards issued to drivers traveling across the continent.

“In the reality of the road that our drivers face, unforeseen situations such as technical breakdowns, unexpected accommodations, road fees, or fines require access to financial resources 24/7. IgoriaCard’s Automatic Transfers significantly facilitate financial management in these situations,” comments a company representative.

The Automatic Transfers function allows for the automatic topping up of the card account when the balance falls below a set minimum amount. Users can configure the minimum balance amount, the top-up amount, and choose the source of funds for the top-up – either the main or auxiliary IgoriaCard account. These parameters can be configured individually for different groups of card accounts.

The new feature is available without additional fees for both individual and corporate clients. To use it, one must log in to their account on the IgoriaCard platform, go to the “Transfers” tab, select the “Automatic Transfers” option, and then set the appropriate parameters.

Automatic Transfers are another step by IgoriaCard towards providing its clients with greater control and flexibility in managing financial resources.

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